Exciting news for me: I woke up at 4:40 refreshed and ready for the gym before work. Can you believe it? Went to sleep by about 10:30 and I had no issues getting up...not really. I did lay there for about 5 minutes pondering back and forth- "Should I go?", "Sleep is so good...", "Will I be ready for work in time?"- Well finally my ass popped up and I was out the door....
Helloooooooo FOG.
Good grief. Where did THIS come from?
Y'all, I swear to you, I don't know how far down the road I got, but I couldn't even see stop lights until I was right up on them- Finally I turned around and (tried) made my way back home :-( I got lost! BAHAHAH! I just kept driving right past my turn because I couldn't see it- and when I got to an intersection I knew was by my house, I turned around and went about 8 mph. I made it home, thank God. But no gym. I'll just go this afternoon and pray tomorrow morning is fogless. What the F.

I'm honestly thinking of going up a size when I pay it in full- Are formal dresses hard to take in if they're, say a size or TWO too BIG? Anyone know? I need some reassurance here.
WORKOUT: Yesterday had a great 48 minutes of cardio at the gym. I went earlier than usual and LORD what a difference! It wasn't crowded and I had a great time doing what I wanted. If only I could do that everyday. I really want my own home gym. I'd work some cardio all. the. time. Going today at the same time as yesterday, too. :-)
Eats: Still good! Oh, and my waist is down another inch. THIS is awesome news.
My boobs, however, in all their 38D glory, are still big. GAWD. (muahaha. SHRINK DAMNIT!!)
lol you are funny!! at least you tried to go this morning!! lol
As far as the dress, I would go with whatever you normally wear in dresses or compare to the size of another bridesmaid or bridesmaid dress! Once you get it, you can work with it by either getting it altered.
Totally agree about the home gym i would run and watch american idol allllll day! Good luck chicky!
I feel ya on the non shrinking boobs! I'm hoping mine start to become less of a focal point soon too!
Yes, bridesmaid dress sizes are way high! I've had to buy size 24 (and I've never been bigger than an 18 when I was a bridesmaid....6 times!! ) So don't worry.
I must say, I totally enjoy reading ALL your posts! You are such a DOLL!! Glad your workouts are going well. I need to be more like you and go to the GYM in the morning!! Maybe you can motivate me!!!! PLEASE!!
Tell Brady, Rosie is doing well.... Rosie wishes she could meet the handsome Brady! :-)
I HATE driving in fog. HATE IT. I would have done the same as you. Including getting lost. ;)
hey, at least you have boobs. I rock an 32A on a good day hahaha
don't have any advice about the dresses, but awesome job on losing another inch!! keep it up!
You can pass me some of those boobs... I'll gladly take them! Keep it up. I'm new to your blog, but you rock! :)
Ahhh another inch that is amazing! Get it girl!
You are killing it with the working out and eating right...go girl! I enjoy reading your blog oh so much.
I am an 18 and got measured for a wedding and they told me I needed a 24...I fainted.
Your blog is so cute!
Bridesmaid dresses seem to always fit smaller. Def go up sizes in them. Usually the bridal shop you purchase from (or if its online the company) should provide a sizing chart. I would check it out with your measurements so you can get your dress in time. If its big you can always get it fixed but not if its too small.
And I feel you on the boob deal!! DD's here and running is my hobby. They still refuse to ever shrink after years.
OK send some of your boobs my way! I have been wanting to go to the gym so badly, and for once have been so motivated, but I've been sick w/ a cold for two weeks so I haven't been going. I can't believe you do 40 minutes of cardio....I'm inspired! That's what I want to do when I finally shake this cold and get back in the gym.
LOL- you girls are too funny. I do love my boobs, but it's kinda love/hate right now. I just hope they don't all go away when the weight comes off.
Blair: HAHA I KNOW. Those size charts baffle me. Totally baffle me.
Elizabeth: Rosie and Brady BFFs forever ;-) maybe even lovahs.
GamecockQueen: Girl, I used to do 1 hour and 15 minutes of cardio :( But yes, go for it! Hope you feel better soon- I know it can bring ya down when you really wanna hit the gym.
Thanks for all of your encouragements and kind words about my little inch!
My bridesmaids wore Bill Levkoff, and they all had to order up. The two size 4s ordered 8s, and a size 6 had to get a 10. They were only taken in minimally after that. Can you get to a shop to try one on? Thats what helped them to order.
I've been between a 38D, 36D and now a 38C. I understand the frustration of trying to fit them into dresses. I would go bigger and pay for a good seamstress.
I think the bridesmaids dresses are always different sizes from what you normally wear. When I went wedding dress shopping one place, ahem David's Bridal, had me in a size 16 dresses. I normally wear a 10. Ugh.
I'm so glad to hear everyone say that their brides maid dresses were a few sizes larger than they normally wear. I'm a size 12 and had to get a size 16 for my bridesmaid dress. And the other bridesmaids, a size 2 and 6, had to see me say, "size 16 please." wanted to die. :( and my sister, the bride, is a size 4 or 6. GAH!! kill me now! well.. they *are* asian and naturally have small bones. But my sister and I are both mixed, asian and middle eastern so... if she's a size 4-6 and I"m a size 12.. what gives! we're from the same parents! :(
boobies? I like mine. They're a average 36C cup. :) perfect.
Congrats on losing an inch and sticking to your workout :) Hard work pays off!
Wish I had some advice on the bridesmaid dress but I don't :(
I love reading your blog btw, you always have such interesting posts !
I went with my measurements on a dress that my cousin was getting for me (she lives all the way in florida) with my measurements it said i needed a size 18 also, never ever have I worn above a 12 and so when it finally got to me, low and behold I had to spend 80 bucks having it taken in because it fell right off of me :(