Top by Joie
Mistral Soap in South Seas- Sold at Anthropologie
A gem from last summer, I believe, that I JUST smelled TWO weeks ago via a friend. WTF?! I fell in LOVE!! I had to stock up....bought TWO.
Macadamia Oil Hair Mask- 8 oz
Sample of Miss Dior Cherie- Blooming Bouquet. The original is hands down my favorite perfume. I hope this smells as good! We'll see.
3 Voluspa Candles- Sold at Anthropologie- in the scents: Dahlia Orange Bloom, Fleurs de Fete and French Cade and Lavender.
Are you a e-bay freak? What do you usually bid on?
you have some great things my account was closed long time ago and never could reopen sux s!!!
I'm a total ebay freak too! I am a clotheshorse and makeup hoarder so I'm always on there trying to get stuff on the cheap :)
I've never shopped on ebay...I'm too sketched out lol...but i love volluspa candles!
I've never actually bought something from eBay, but these all look like great finds.
I LOVE ebay! Looks like you got some great finds.... I need to consider shopping outside of my ebay comfort box:)
Stopping by from the Link Up by Fabulous but Evil and Mrs. Monolgues :)
You're blog is cute! Oh and if you ever need a lemon body spray/lotion/soap/bodywash check out Lemon Sugar by mark. Cosmetics :)
Cute blog!