If you've followed my blog for awhile you may have seen on the sidebar, under "Currently Reading", that I was reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett for about 6 months (if not longer. I like to underguesstimate).
I finished the book last week. It was a stuggle. For all you readers out there, please pick your jaw up from the floor. It's true- it wasn't my favorite book.
#1: I liked it. It just wasn't the best book I ever read. I liked the characters and the subject, but it wasn't a "couldn't put down" for me.
#2: Also, keep in mind that I received this book from a friend when it FIRST came out. She really liked the book, but made a good point after I told her it was just "OK." She said that if she had read the book AFTER it received so much hype and talk, she probably would have had other expectations as well. So true. That's what I get for being a reading slacker.
#3: I still want to see the movie which comes out in August- I love Emma Stone and think she's going to play a GREAT Skeeter. :)
Q: Did anyone out there NOT like the book as much as everyone else did?
This morning for my breakfast I had my very first Shakeology Chocolate Shake. It was delicious, indeed. It's consistency is, obviously, much thicker than a protein shake because of all the nutrients and other "good-for-you" stuff! So glad I decided to incoporate it into my food menu.
P.S. Insanity is kicking my butt. I had to get out of bed last night to stumble into the bathroom and slather Bengay all over my feet (yes. feet) and my hamstrings. *sigh* I don't know how the hell I'm going to power through today's workout, but I am. Update to follow.....
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I'm one of the folks who liked this book - not love, but really enjoyed it and I too, can't wait for the movie to come out. But I had a similar experience with Eat, Pray, Love. Bought the book years ago when it first came out, couldn't get through the first few pages, and then picked it up again a few months ago and read it. But it was still a struggggggle ....
I was totally oblivious to the hype around it. Lol @ her eat, pray, love- getting through the movie was an equal struggle.
i personally LOVED it, it's one of my top fave books ever.
I hate when you don't like a book that's so huge and has tons of hype. i just finished One Day and wanted to burn it.
I loved it too - I just read it this weekend. I have passes to see the movie tomorrow night & am hoping I like it as much. I have faith Emma Stone will be a great Skeeter too.
I still haven't read it and I feel really behind.....even my Grandma has read it. I'm not too sure if I'd like it though, I normally hate all the really hyped up books.
I liked it (read it a long time ago) I hated middlesex - couldn't even finish it and I feel like everyone loved that book.
I love hearing about your new workout routine, good luck today- you can do it!
I'm listening to it as an audiobook and I am loooving it. If I had to read it I'm sure it would've seen much drier.
you're not alone, lol, i tried to read it, and got bored and put it down.
it's a good story and all, but like you said, it just wasn't a 'can't put down' book for me either.
i do want to see the movie though, because of emma stone. it looks good.
Eat, pray, love was one I didn't like FO SHO!
Don't get me wrong..The Help was good, just not my cup of tea :)
I just finished reading this book- I started reading it on the beach two days ago and it was hard for me to put down! I really, really liked it. I took a lot of African American classes in college- Survey of African American Lit, African American Poetry, and two African American history classes, so I think that helped make the topic of the book very interesting for me. I really enjoy historical fiction, and my favorite character in the book was Minny. I'm sorry you didn't like it more! I'm looking forward to seeing the movie!