So...I ended up working out ONCE this whole week. What the F? I cannot seem to find my motivation and keep it. I tried on my clothes tonight and not a damn thing fit! Again...Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?? Three months ago- shit fit. Now, NOTHING! My problem is, going to work and then at the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is workout. What is the solution to this? Because- there has to be one, and will be one.
Now, I'm going to feel 1,000 times guilty as I drink my beer and stuff my face with food at my own housewarming party this weekend. Lovely.
I don't know what to do. I can't give up. Not when I feel so bad about myself. I just have to keep pushing, right......
The end.
(I'm going to bed. In hopes that I'll grow tired and be able to wake up at 4:45 and hit the gym........I'll keep you posted. If I do it'll be a MIRACLE.)
Lizzie- how do YOU do it? Getting up so early?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I feel your pain. I have such good intentions but never follow through. Which is probably why I haven't started my new year's resolution yet.
Let's cheer each other on to work out and stick to it! I'll be your personal fan! haha :)
we CAN and Will do it!
Best of luck at sticking to getting up at 4:45 AM tomorrow!
And try to have a great weekend :)
I feel your pain too! My husband HATES going to the gym after work (I think it's seasonal affective disorder) because it's sooo dark and cold and all he wants to do is go home and get warm in our pjs... we've been working out to Power90 at home and it's works SO well for us! I saw you mention P90X a few posts ago, could you do those workouts at home?
Best of luck to you in the morning-- you can DO IT! I hope you're able to enjoy your party this weekend! Don't get too down-- the best part about our lives is that we're not perfect and can always change! :-D
Thanks Britt and Kelly!
Britt- I'm all for motivation and having someone to push me, and I them. Consider it done!
Kelly- I do have P90X. It's an awesome strength workout, but I miss my cardio (i.e. treadmill, stair machine and elliptical.). So maybe...Just maybe I can incorporate P90X somehow. Maybe I can get a schedule going and do cardio in the AM to get it out of the way and weights after work, and I can come right home......Maybe.
You know getting up in the AM isn't the greatest...but really in the end it is totally worth it when you can go home from work at the end of the day when you are completely worn out! Try to think of that when that annoying alarm goes off in the morning! I know it's hard, but once you get into it just become's part of your routine! It's just the "getting into it" part!!
Oh and going to bed early always helps too! ;)
Hey - to answer your question...i was just 100% PLAIN lazy over the past few months!! blogging was such a huge part in my success last year, i knew i needed to get back to it to get down to a healthier weight!
It is hard, I am struggling with finding the energy to workout. Hope you make the morning workout!
Getting up at 4:30 AM is crazy hard but so worth it!! I have been training for a marathon for 4 months now and I have been waking up at 4:30 to do my runs, it is a killer but I feel so good all day and don't have to worry about working out after work. I am sure you CAN do it too! Set small goals and keep adding as you go. My friend who was 190 lbs and didn't like to exercise ran a marathon last year, seeing her crossing the finish line inspired me to start running and do something about myself. She lost 35lbs Find your inspiration! YOU CAN DO IT!!
Um, I LOVE that you said "whiskey tango foxtrot" - I had a sister in college who used to say that all the time and it brought me back. Oooh, those Chi Omegas ;)
i was not always a morning person. It's kind of something i turned myself into.(getting me out of bed before noon used to take a swat team . It's something that over time, i got used to and it became natural. You have to make yourself go to bed early, and you have to just get up with your alarm regardless of if you actually go workout or not. Once your body is used to being up early, it will just seem normal. I find that I have MUCH more energy in the mornings now too. Working out at night for me is such a bust these days.
Hope that helps!! You can do this!!!! :):)
I hear ya. I can't do it in the morning or after work. I'm no help!! BUT just think about your goals and hopefully you can dig that motivation up from somewhere and get into a good routine.
I know your is tough to get to the can do it girl!!! :-) I know it!
Do you have a Nike + for your ipod? You should do a run challenge on your blog! Then you and your followers can get motivated!!
I had planned to start this week with my workouts, and only made it to the gym twice! Gotta get back on the wagon.
I drove to the health club and just kept driving. I just felt sooo darn tired and I actually thought to myself, "If you go in there you are going to hurt yourself."
I was tired and achy and just couldn't do it!
I've decided that my body is trying to tell me something and that I am going through a "cycle."
WE can do it but we can't do it everyday. I'm going to ease back into it.
Hey, I forgot to say thank you for being so honest. It helps to know that I'm not alone.
check out my post for an award for you!