Which brings me to my original thought......I've heard several good things about Sara Happ The Lip Slip - Lip Balm -With Jojoba Nut Oils. Anyone else tried it? Thoughts? I think I want to try this. (read a lovely review from a blogger, HERE. I was sold.)
What is your favorite lip product to keep your dry lips flake free?

Workout: Tuesday was a REST DAY for me. I was just so tired and ill. Ill as in- cranky. All I wanted to do was watch Biggest Loser and Idol- and NOT think. Today will be different. I need to get my ass on that elliptical and burn some lard. Baha!
Eats: Still going good. I contacted my former trainer/still current friend, and asked her why I don't have enough energy tos ustain my cardio workouts anymore. She kinda tweaked my diet and added some broccoli to two of my meals. *sigh*. Sometimes it's hard to eat MORE- sometimes I just don't want to eat- but I know it's SO important. My big cheat day is coming up- SATURDAY! Housewarming PARTY! Lots of good foods to engourge on. (I'm only kidding on the engourge part, guys).
In the morning's I try to read the latest blogs from you guys before work- GingerSnap always has her Outfit Of The Day entry up and I love seeing what she's wearing- Today, I about DIED. Her outfit was awesome. My taste varies- I like super sexy one day, and the next girly and wholesome to the MAX. GingerSnap's outfit struck a chord with me today- it was sexy AND wholesome.
I honestly can't remember the last time I saw knee high stockings worn to work/school/out by anyone (tastefully) since I was in the 7th grade (that's when they made a big comeback. Oh, I had so many colors to go with my little skirts that I, as a 7th grader, probably shouldn't have been wearing. I wasn't a hoochie- Just a little too daring with clothes that year). Does anyone wear this anymore?? I want to wear it! Do you guys think it's too school-girlish? I think it's precious! Check out her outfit: GINGER!
Also: The lovely and beautiful Leigh left me an award on her blog. Thank you so much lady! :-)

I've tried the Burt's Bees, and I couldn't get past the taste/smell. I don't know what it was, but I didn't like it. It's boring, but for dry chapped lips, I rely on Blistex Daily Conditioning Treatment. It comes in a pink pot with SPF 15. I love this stuff. I use it every night to keep my lips from drying out as I tend to end up breathing through my mouth. During the day I'm usually a lip gloss girl though!
I love the MAC lip conditioner..works wonders!
I hear you! The dentist had to add vasoline like 3 times to do my cleaning - mine are CRAZY dry - hate it!
Cute outfit!! I personally can't rock knee socks - takes me back to 7th grade with my maryjanes and Limited 2 skort. Oh my. But I think she made them look cute and classy!
Housewarming party - yay!!!
For day to day dryness, I love the regular Burt's Bees. Bit since that doesn't do it for you.. when my lips are chapped (I don't get dry flaky lips, but they get WAY chapped and red) I love the Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment. It is more like a cream than a balm, if that makes sense. Not sure if it works for flakiness (sp??) but it is super cheap so it is probably worth a try!
lol I remember when the knee highs came back in then... it was when Clueless came out and I was to young to sport the look.. or so my mom thought.
I use burts bees and it's great for me. Have you ever tried the normal kind? i think that's stronger then the pomegranate but that's just me. There's also medex... never used it but heard its great. And then there is a little blue pot that's medicated. i forget what its called but it works wonders!
Good luck chicky!!
Rosebud Salve is the best chapstick/lip gloss ever. I blogged about it awhile back in my "I'm HOOKED." posts.
I saw GingerSnap's post this morning too. I think she is darling, and the knee socks looked adorable on her, although I couldn't rock them, and certainly not to work. But, I couldn't get over the last picture, where the socks were bunching on top of her feet! I just wanted to reach in the computer and fix that for her, ha.
Glad to hear the eating and the workout are going well. We all need a REST day!!!! :-) Go over to my blog...I have a little something waiting for you! :-)
I love Burt's Bees lip shimmers. I wear it as lipstick so my lips always have lip balm on them.
i love burt's too, but totally agree, it does nothing for chapped lips. I am still in search of a REALLY good one. let me know how that one turns out!
I asked this same lip question in my blog and got a HUGE number of comments - check it out for my readers tips. I've started using carmex and blistex again but I want to try out a few of the others they have suggested!!!
good luck ox
get mary kay's lip scrub and lip mask! It's amazing!!
I just found your blog today.
I have been doing the 30 Day Shred to get back into tip top shape.
Unfortunately,I thought I was in pretty good shape until I started this.
Now I realize,not so much.
Good luck with your fitness journey!
Thanks for ALL of these suggestions! I'll let you guys know what I find works best- and if I have to try everything you've mentioned, I WILL!
I love my Korres Lip Butter (I have mine in jasmine). I lost it for a while, and my lips went back to being chapped. It totally saved my lips and it tasted like caramel :P It comes in all these different sheer colors too (sephora :)
There is nothing worse than smiling and splitting your lip ARG!
I use Vaseline, Softlips for everyday(love) and then at night I use Neutrogena Lip Nutrition Vanilla Replenish Balm before bed everynight and it's a miracle.