Thank you all who chimed in about the dresses- I think I was a little unclear: I wasn't trying to decide between the yellow and the J. Crew dress for the wedding. I'm buying BOTH!! Silly girls ;-) I just couldn't decide between the two colors on the second dress. I think it's gonna be the Mint Green- although online they call it SAGE green....Should this worry me? Hmm. What if it gets here and it's all ugly and poo colored? BAHA!
The yellow- I just hope it fits me OK. if not, it's back to the drawing board. The shoes dilemma still rattles my brain- I don't want to wear black. I just feel that would take it in a different direction from the "vibe" that dress gives off. To me it says: "Hello. I'm a girly-yellow dress. I am spirited and fun and cheery. I am quintessential SPRING. I don't do black. Oh, but wait. I have this weird black SASH crap around my waist!" First thing's first- PURCHASE. I'll keep ya posted. With photos. Hopefully my size will be in stock by the time I go to order it in a few weeks. *CROSS FINGERS*!
Workout: Yesterday I scurried to the gym after work hyped up on Sugar Free Redbull (mistake). I love the energy it gives me for that afternoon slump, but then once I hit the elliptical I go all crazy and shi**. Like a spazzed out rat. Add some Lady Ga-freakin-ga into that mix, from the ipod, and you get......well...something just freaking insane. BUT I had a good 40 minute workout. Came home and watched THE BACHELOR.....
I KNEW it was Rozlyn. I knew it had to be someone who had been given a rose, and let's face it- beautiful Rozlyn puts out that vibe of, "I want what I want, right now,"- and if she can't have Jake all to herself, she'll fill him until she does. Stupid hoebag. She's gorgeous, but the girl has nothing going for her BUT that. Here's what I THINK:
Vienna- So out of place there. Seriously.
Allie- I freaking KNEW from the first episode she would click with him- HELL she'd click with anybody. She's REAL, not a little-miss-perfect, she's beautiful and like jake described her: Warm. LOVE her. I kinda want her to be my BFF- Is that weird? ;-)
The yellow- I just hope it fits me OK. if not, it's back to the drawing board. The shoes dilemma still rattles my brain- I don't want to wear black. I just feel that would take it in a different direction from the "vibe" that dress gives off. To me it says: "Hello. I'm a girly-yellow dress. I am spirited and fun and cheery. I am quintessential SPRING. I don't do black. Oh, but wait. I have this weird black SASH crap around my waist!" First thing's first- PURCHASE. I'll keep ya posted. With photos. Hopefully my size will be in stock by the time I go to order it in a few weeks. *CROSS FINGERS*!
Workout: Yesterday I scurried to the gym after work hyped up on Sugar Free Redbull (mistake). I love the energy it gives me for that afternoon slump, but then once I hit the elliptical I go all crazy and shi**. Like a spazzed out rat. Add some Lady Ga-freakin-ga into that mix, from the ipod, and you get......well...something just freaking insane. BUT I had a good 40 minute workout. Came home and watched THE BACHELOR.....
I KNEW it was Rozlyn. I knew it had to be someone who had been given a rose, and let's face it- beautiful Rozlyn puts out that vibe of, "I want what I want, right now,"- and if she can't have Jake all to herself, she'll fill him until she does. Stupid hoebag. She's gorgeous, but the girl has nothing going for her BUT that. Here's what I THINK:
Vienna- So out of place there. Seriously.
Allie- I freaking KNEW from the first episode she would click with him- HELL she'd click with anybody. She's REAL, not a little-miss-perfect, she's beautiful and like jake described her: Warm. LOVE her. I kinda want her to be my BFF- Is that weird? ;-)
I did a bad thing and went to (the guy who was right about Melissa and that other dude breaking up) and read what "happens". I am NOT pleased. Not one bit. I may still keep watching to see if he's at your own risk.
Can you guys believe I weighed 196 in this photo? Better question is: WHY the hell did I think I was FAT here? Good grief. My mind is warped. I had just finished running 3 miles in this photo. Well....jog/run. ;-) Nice face.
Turkey-Zuch Bake
* In a pan cook up ground turkey, bell peppers, banana peppers and onion- add salsa.
* Add the turkey mixture to the zucchini- top with low-fat feta cheese (this is optional) and bake until you want to. It had no "set" time, so I just baked it until it was golden brown in color.
It's yummy (yes, I said yummy. Ick) and will be my mid-morning snack for the next few days.
Have a great night. That's all I got.
i've said this before, and i'll say it again, but you must carry your weight very well. You look thin and fit in that photo. Look at your legs! It is almost unfathomable that you weighed almost 200 lbs in that pic. You are a lucky lady! glad to see you are keeping up with your fitness goals.
You look so thin! You look great in that picture! Your legs look great and face looks thin.
I agree exactly with Veronika. You're legs look fab :)
And what you said about Rozlyn, couldn't be more right. I love Allie too :) How could you NOT like her? She's too cute. I hope she makes it to the final 3 :)
haha, I decided to give into the Bachelor and watch. He is from my home town of Denton. If only I was a couple years older we would've been in high school together. lol
you look great in that picture. it just goes to show that weight truly is JUST A NUMBER!! Glad you got a great workout in :)
That zucchini recipe sounds amazing! I agree, you carry your weight really well. Your profile looks so defined!
I've never seen a picture of you where you didn't look beautiful.
This picture certainly proves that weight is just a number. :)
Watching the bachelor is fun...I love having my likes and dislikes!! haha!! The turkey bake looks so yummy!! Keep up with the hard work at the gym!! :-)
You don't need to wear black shoes, you could wear bright red or pink, or a neutral like a gold.
Killer legs!
And I'll have to admit I've never seen a single episode of the Bachelor :)
I left you a suprise on my blog!! :)
I agree with everyone who says you carry your weight well--you look fabulous and fit!
I can't do red bull before the gym, though I have recently gotten into 5 hour energy--it doesn't make me quite as wired.
OK I have to do a list
1. I am loving yellow right now. Can't wait to see the dress.
2. I was dissapointed about Rozlyn, she was one of my pics. I like Allie too! Can't wiat for next week.
3. That recipe looks delicious!!
holy crap, you look awesome at 196lbs!