Didn't workout ONCE this week. I know. Horrible.I don't even feel bad about it- for once I knew I just really couldn't, and not that I just "didn't". I thought I could finally start my two-a-days last week, but I guess I was high on something. lol.
Two-a-days this week. Not everyday, no, but I'm shooting for three times. Here's what my workout schedule goal for this week is:
Monday: PM- P90X Kenpo
Tuesday: AM- 45min cardio at the gym, PM- P90X Legs and Back
Wednesday: AM- 45min cardio, PM- P90X Chest, Shoulders, triceps
Thursday: AM- 45min cardio, PM- Back and biceps
Friday: P90X Abs
Saturday: Some form of cardio & strength (Just whatever I feel like)
Sunday: P90X Yoga
I do plan on incorporating more of the Abs DVD into my schedule at some point, but right now I'm just focusing on the fat loss.
I sat at home and did nothing this weekend- OH, well I take that back. I watched TV. To include: Miss America, Bulging Brides and some other fitness show on FLN. The Bulging Brides show was cool- They take someone who's getting married and help her fit into her dress that doesn't fit- this episode, in 6 weeks the woman lost significant inches and weight. She musta have worked her ass off (literally). I wish the show came on more often! it's a good motivator.
Speaking of weddings: It's officially 7 weeks until my friend Ashley'd wedding, and 18 weeks until my BFF Amanda's wedding (MOH right here!). Plenty of time to become svelte :-) I got this dress in the mail finally

ANdddddd..... it doesn't quite fit. Hmmm...this is the dress I want to fit into in 7 weeks. Doable? I guess we'll see. I'm not worried. For some reason I know I can do it. I just know.
This morning I went to Ulta to buy Fekkai's hair curl cream. I have wavyish hair and curl it most everyday instead of straight. It's just easier that way. Anyway...I'm a perfume whore, so naturally I wanted a new perfume. (Note: I currently have over 45 full sized bottles of perfume. I don't NEED anymore)- I kept walking these numbered perfumes (UNISEX!) by D&G. The thought of the unisex perfume didn't really interest me, but I finally decided to smell them all as I was about ready to leave. I'm so glad I did. They smell AWESOME. Well, three out of the five, for me.

Who's watching the Grammy's tonight?? Music is my LOVE so I am So there!! Go GAGA! lol is she up for anything? She should be. She's a freak, but oh-so talented.
Love you guys!
Looks like you've got a great workout schedule for the week!!
and i will SO be watching the grammy's 2nite!!
You did great working out. I will be watching it tonight. I love the fashion.
Loveee the dress!! Godo luck with that crazy workout schedule!!
Defintely watching the Grammy's tonight; I'm watching the pre-show right now. Gaga is up for nominations; between her, Taylor Swift, and Beyonce, there's 23.. Insane.. as well as her outfit lol. I love her though :)
I love the dress girl!! I'm undecided on the grammys - I'm bad about watching those award shows!! I hear you - i've been MIA lately too. :)
That dress is so pretty! I watch Miss America and the other beauty pageants every year, love them!
I watched alot of television this weekend!! And loved EVERY minute of it!! :-) did Brady watch with you? Rosie curled up with me! Just getting done watching the Grammy's!! :-)
you can definitely get into that dress! I have total faith in you!! i watched a lot on Sunday... hubs worked and once I went grocery shopping, i was bored... lol
I love your blog. Missed you last week!
Elizabeth- Brady did watch the Grammy's with me----with his eyes CLOSED tightly. LOL!
Liz B.- Thanks honey! I'm glad you keep reading :-) I feel boring at times, but just write what I feel like talking about at the time.
Adorably- Thanks for the encouragement about the dress- And you're right- I WILL fit into it! :-)
Just discovered your blog and am now following! I too am trying to lose some weight this year but am not near motivated enough to start working out! I got the eating better part down though, and I'm still losing about a pound a week. That's good, right? Haha. Anyway, love your baby boy! I have a little furbaby nugget too - a baby girl named Rory. She's all over my blog if you care to see.
I wore Ralph Lauren Romance for YEARS but once I ran out I just never bought more. I forgot how expensive perfume is!
the dress is beautiful!!!
I'm also looking for the perfect dress for my sister weeding in june!!!
wish me luck!
Good girl for all of your working out!!
That dress is beautiful and I know it's going to look amazing on you, keep up the hard work and it will pay off!
Have a great week!!
I am very interested in two a days. I don't know why I never though of that. I guess b/c it sounds totally exhausting! I think I am going to have to try that. I will get back w/ you on how much I like (or hate) them!