Here are a few photos from the weekend. There weren't many. Let's just say my stupid point and shoot has seen better days. The flash is way too bright, it blurs when the flash is OFF and the quality just can't live up to my SLR these days....but I can't justify bringing my nice camera out on the town, ya know? Hmmm....Can I geta happy medium please?
My good friend Joy and I before going out. My original birthday dress didn't work, and the dress and blazer I decided on, I was pleased with, but it coulda been better ;) So hard to please.
Marion, Stephanie and I. Tall drinks of water. See my shoes? Love. AND I danced my ass off in them for a little while, too. Even got a compliment from bar goers about my high heeled dancing ability.
Just some Picnik fun. Bahah. Before make-up.
Me and my BFF Marion- she decided to color coordinate with me.
The end.
Happy happy birthday!
Happy birthday! You look great! Love the dress lady.
You look great Jenny...I hope that you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow!
Happy Early Birthday! You look fantastic - enjoy your day!
lookin' good! happy birthday :)
Your heels are freaking fantastic! And you look stunning! Happy birthday tomorrow! I hope you have a great day, friend!
you look beautiful lady, and those shoes are FIERCE.
Even though you didn't love your outfit, you looked fantastic! Hope you had a great birthday outing and a great birthday! p.s. Those heels are fabulous and if you can dance in them you are fabulous because I almost broke my neck trying them on the other day!
Happy Birthday! You look great and those shoes are fierce.
I need your shoes!!!
Hi you freaking beautiful girl!!! Happy Belated!!!!
I love that sassy!
I love the studded shoes with the bright color of that dress! You look h.o.t. Happy birthday love!
Happy happy birthday!! And I loooooove the color of your dress. :) So pretty!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! This outfit is gorgeous. . and those shoes - AMAZING!
I'm glad you had such a great birthday!