Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank you and Fall time? Pumpkin Spiced Latte PUH-lease.

Just a huge thank you on this clear, crisp Friday Alabama morning. (Weather: I beg of you to please cool off sooner than years before. PLEASE. I love you Fall weather, believe me and stay with meeeee.)

Your responses to yesterday's post really comforted me and gave me hope. It's nice to know I'm not a freak for wanting to better myself and my life. Why are we made to feel guilty for not being 100% happy with our careers/jobs? Everyone feels that way...even just a little tiny bit.

It's comments from all of you on days like that when I remember why I blog in the first place- helpful advice and an unbiased ear to listen to me bitch.

Hope you have a great weekend- What are your plans? Has Fall weather penetrated your part of the world yet?

An even better question: Has Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks re-introduced the Pumpkin Spiced Latte back on their menu yet?!?!?!!


Liz Taylor said...

Have a great weekend gorgeous - the weather is cool here too.

suzanne said...

Yes, Starbucks has! I'm drinking a Pumpkin Spice Latte as I type this:)

Moody Girl said...

Fall is my favorite season, but unfortunately that doesn't hit Florida for another month or so. I'm pretty sure Starbucks has the Pumpkin Spice Latte again...not sure about Dunkin Donuts.

Robin said...

I was planning to try a Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning (never had one), but when I went to Starbucks, I saw they had sea salt caramel mochas, and that sounded amazing and I couldn't pass that up. And I was right.

M.R. said...

i saw the salted caramel mocha too- i really want to try it!

Kelly said...

So far this week I've already had two pumpkin spice lattes and one of the salted caramel mochas, and I think they just put them on the menu as of Monday! At this rate I'll be sick of them once the weather cools down!!! I still prefer the pumpkin spice over the salted mocha though.

LWLH said...

Pumpkin spice lattes have made their way into our but I'm not much of a fan of lattes or coffee so I'll stick to the hot chocolate.

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