Really, there's no "poopoo" anywhere in this blog. Just felt like saying it.
What the what is up with Missoni for Target craziness??? It's not THAT cute, people, that you need to clog up their pitiful website (I'm sorry. I'm sure you all love it...).

Hey! So, it's Tuesday! Better than the first day of the work week, so that's grand! On my way to work I continued listening to my audiobook,
"A Discovery of Witches," by Deborah Harkness. It's part of a triology (second book is set to hit shelves sometime NEXT year). As many reviews have stated, the book starts and continues to, at times, be sooo sloowwww moving. I found that to be true, but glad I made the wise decision to buy it on audiobook instead of hard copy (No. I still don't have acool technological reading device. I want one, but yet I don't. I'm torn.) Anyway, the book is keeping my interest so far. I'm no Twilight fan, but I enjoy magic and enchanting stories, and this is a bit of a mystery, not just a teenage-blah-moosh love story, so it keeps my interest.
Have any of you read this one?
Speaking of reading, I have to echo the sentiments of my lovely blogger friend,
Mrs. Monologues, when I say that my reading turn-over rate has SUCKED so badly the past TWO years. I think I've read TWO books in TWO years. Yeah. I KNOW. You all remember it took me one year to even finish
"The Help."
I joined
Goodreads a few months ago- I love that it keeps my scattered book brain organized with what I've read and what I WANT to read. So...if you're part of
Goodreads or want to join, come befriend me
here. I love to see what others read- it gives me ideas.
On this day, I also JUST got my wig (hair) trimmed. It needed it like whoa. Here I am with my non-split ended hair, furiously waving to you all. As you can see, I'm very attractive today. lol
INSANITY UPDATE: In case you were wondering, no, I STILL haven't picked back up with Insanity. I'm holding steady with my weight loss and as of today, I've lost about 12 pounds since starting the program...and I only finished 6 weeks of it! Will jump back into it in the next few days, along with updates. I PROMISE.
FALL TV LINEUP: I decided to sneak this subject in my blog as well...Are you guys watching any of the new fall shows tonight? I want to try to catch Sarah Michelle Gellar's new show,
"Ringer," and see if it's any good. Comes on The CW tonight at 9/8 CST.
Happy Tuesday!!
I don't understand all the hoopla about the Missoni for Target collection looks kinda like a kaleidoscope threw up. (In my opinion anyway!)
Love your hair! Good job with 12 pounds lost and I'll probably check out "Ringer" as well.
I'm not quite digging the zig zags and brown neutral colors. Maybe that will grow on me but for right now I'll pass.
i'm about halfway through a discovery of witches...i really dig it, but it definitely is a little slow at times! at least the writing is good!
i totally jumped on the missoni hype, and i'm super excited about my purchases....BUT i did not hoard a cartful of stuff to scalp on ebay!
I didn't get the Missoni hype either really...although I'm taking a special trip to the U.S. next Saturday so a friend can buy some. If there's any left! I'm more excited about getting to DSW.
Super cute hair cut! And get back to Insanity! :) :) I should start it again so we can remotivate each other!