I never knew there were Farmer's Market's in my area- seriously, I was clueless and always got pissed off and rantedand raved because "WHY don't we have farmer's market's??!! I hate this place." haha
Little did I know.
So that's what I'm doing this Saturday morning bright and early. Is it weird I'm excited about going?
My reason for heading to the market is to pick up some tomato's and green beans- I'm stocking my fridge with all the healthy foods I love....because, if I'm being honest, I've eaten horribly the past month or two. Downright HORRIBLE...and my body and energy are true testaments to this.
Along with not eating right, I haven't been working out regularly.
Last weekend I was online shopping for new clothes...suddenly, a light bulb FO REALZZZ appeared over ym head. I walked to my closet(s) and stood in front of them. A barrage of dresses, tops and cute pants overwhlemed my eyeballs....I finally admitted that I don't need NEW clothes...I need to lose this extra weight I've put on to FIT BACK INTO the enormous amounts of cute clothes I already have. Dummy. haha
So, last night I sat down and laid out my workouts for next week. My plan is pretty simple for the next few weeks: LOTS OF CARDIO.
Here's what my plan looks like:
Monday- High Intensity Interval Training on treadmill (30 minutes) ***
Tuesday- Bob Harper's Kick Ass Strength DVD
Wednesday- A.M. cardio (30 minutes) and P.M. cardio (45 minutes) (TWO-A-DAY WORKOUT)
Thursday-Bob Harper's Kick Ass Strength DVD
Friday- High Intensity Interval Training (30 minutes)
Friday- High Intensity Interval Training (30 minutes)
Saturday- REST
Sunday- Active Rest Day (P90X Stretch or light treadmill walking)
(*** I've done research on HIIT treadmill workouts and lots of people claim that you cannot get a true HIIT workout in on a treadmill because of the inability to immediately start and stop. I'm also convinced that my speeds are not HIIT qualified. The fastest I usually get on the treadmill during these interval workouts is 8 mph. Everyone has their own speed, I know, but I think it's more factual to just call these workouts "Interval Training"....but HIIT sounds so much better. I do what I can...)
So, that's it. This would normally be what I consider to be a light workout week, but since my ass has been lazy it's gonna kick me...hard...in the face.
I plan on gradually adding TWO-A-DAY cardio workouts TWICE a week after about a month.
I have a big long-term goal in mind.....next Summer my friend Marion and I are planning a Greek Island/Mediterranean cruise and I want to be in THE best shape I've ever been in.....it's time.
I'll keep you all posted every week on the changes to my workouts and updates on my weight loss/muscle gain. :)
good luck girlie !!! your going to d great omg that picture is too cute =)
Good luck! I'm on a big weight loss kick myself!
Good luck! BEcause of you I am a avid follower of the BOB HARPERS ASS KICKING WORKOUT!
Contessa- AWESOME!! How do you like it so far? What do you think of his DVD??
BEST of luck getting back on the fitness wagon! :-D I just printed out a calendar to post at our house my daily weight and working out progress. We can do it! :-)
Good luck!
I know what you mean about falling off of the bandwagon. My eating habits have been horrible lately with travel/vacations.
Good luck! I've been hitting the fit train HARD this week and it's killing me.
Jenny--It is a VERY challenging workout and I just personally like him as a trainer that he keeps me motivated. I plan on getting his other DVD's to keep me challenged though. You literally just use hands weights through the entire workout and that is enough--trust me!
As he says---GET IT DONE!
I need to go back to two a days too!! It's SO hard! I might give your workout a try next week. It looks super tough!! Good luck, I know you can do it!! :-D
Thanks for all the support ladies! It's much appreciated!