I was looking around in some old photos on my computer and came across a few that were taken of me back in college around 2005/2006. This was when I was in the gym almost daily, with one rest day, and ate really well. I barely drank alcohol around this time- and was in shape.
I thought I was fat.
165 pound (HOTNESS!) Jenny
What a moron.
**Yeah...kinda wish I could slap my 2006 self for thinking that....OK, I just did. I deserved that**
Anyway...as awesome as celebrity bodies look, and as inspiring as they may be, I've decided that I'm making MYSELF my inspiration for getting back into shape. There was nothing wrong with my body back then- except maybe a bit more toning...2006 was before I really got into strength training...
I weighed 165. I don't care about numbers as much as I care about what I look like IN my clothes (or naked...), but I'm thinking 165 is a great goal for me at 5'10. Especially with the muscle tone I plan to achieve.
So, point is...as amazingly inspiring these women's bodies have always been to me:
I think being my OWN inspiration is the most beautiful thing of all! Here goes nothing.....
Oh wow!!! You've always been so beautiful! I loved your 2006 'do. I always think you look great. I definitely identify though with never appreciating our bodies-I thought I was fat my whole life now looking back on pics I'm like 'whoa.' It's such a whacked way of thinking. Can't wait to follow your progress, I'm very excited for you!
I love this post! I am on a weight loss journey for my health and I secretly envy those stick thin models with 6-pack abs... I will NEVER look like that... I am going to do what you did and pull up my fav photo from the last time I felt comfortable in my skin and let that be my inspiration. I seriously think you just helped to change my entire way of thinking... Thank you! Hugs and huge gratefulness!
Andi- AWW thank you honey!! I freaking love you. You're so sweet. I've realized that every woman is basically the same...we think we're fat, look back on old photos and realize we were whiny and being dumb. :)
Sherry- I'm so glad I could help change your mindset. Sometimes it just takes a little something else to change our way of thinking and approaching challenges/life. I can't wait to follow your journey through this as well. I'm pulling for you. You can do this!
Best of luck Jenny! Looking forward to watching your journey. Most importantly, you are gorgeous at any size because you are YOU! Love your blog!
i've said this before, but my God, you carry your weight so amazingly! i think you look great no matter what, but I'm wishing you luck with all of your fitness goals :)
You are so gorgeous at any size, but I wish you luck on achieving your fitness goals.
V and Chrissy- SO good to hear from you ladies...and thank you so much for your support and kind words!
You look great in those photos (love the hair, too). You can definitely do this. I think it's great when people look to older photos of themselves for inspiration rather than to celebrities/models/etc. I have some pictures of myself from two years ago that I use for inspiration. We'll be healthier--and hotties with bodies--in no time :)
best of luck! you can totally do it sister!