Thursday, March 31, 2011

SKYDIVING!! Plus, two weeks with Perricone's Cold Plasma....

This weekend is going to be EPIC.

Think of me and send positive thoughts my way at 1:30 Eastern Time, as I'll be jumping from an airplane on my first Skydiving Tandem! I'm SO freaking excited and want to jump AGAIN...and haven't even jumped ONCE yet. lol. That's how much I'm looking forward to this.

The lead singers of Better Than Ezra (my fave) and Collective Soul are putting on an acoustic concert in Atlanta this weekend, too! I actually shrieked when I got the e-mail two days ago. Seeing as how I'm skydiving in ATL already, this just put icing on the cake. Amazing. Simply.

Now, on to my beauty product review.

To be honest with all of you, when I shell out $90 bucks for a moisturizing anti-aging cream (Dior's Capture Totale), I usually don't even use it on the regular. I use it, sure, but not daily as I should to see ANY sort of results that the product claims to give.

I recently was sent Perricone's Cold Plasma Cream to try out, and also one to giveaway to my readers (Congrats, again, Kel!). I've used it every single day at least once a day for the past two weeks or so. The verdict is in.....
I. Love. It!

DISCLAIMER: I was given this product, but not asked to review it after I used it. Just to make that clear. I'm doing this because I wanna!

The product claims to tighten and lift, and smooth wrinkles. Besides that it says it improves the appearance and TEXTURE and dark spots on the skin. My skin wasn't horrid to begin with, but I can definitely see an improvement in the tone and texture of the skin on my face! So much so that I want to use it as often as I can. I find excuses to put more on. HAHA! I promise I don't slather it on, but I really do love this product.

Everyone is different, so I'm not saying you'd have the same results, but it's worth a try- especially if you have redness, blotchy skin or any uneven skin tone. I'd even venture to say I might shell out $150 once I run out of this stuff.

Has anyone ever tried Perricone's Cold Plasma?
What anti-aging, moisturizer do you use, if any?

When I talk to you all next I will be a skydiving virgin no longer. Woop!!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome weekend!!! YAY! So happy for you.
I'm loving Kiehl's abyssine cream with SPF now, I haven't had much luck with Perricone products, I think they're a bit too harsh for my sensitive skin.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I have tried Cold Plasma and I must agree with you that it works pretty well compared to other products I have tried in the past. Plus, I'm a big advocate of Perricone products. The quality of their products is great. Here's a few places I shopped around for prices:

Shannon said...

I've been wanting to try the Perricone Cold Plasma, but can't seem to make myself shell out for it. After your review, I'm contemplating it a bit more! I've been using an anti-aging night cream from The Body Shop that I really like, so if all else fails I've got that to fall back on. Isn't Sephora's Friend and Family usually in April? That may be a good time to stock up on the Cold Plasma! :)


Veronika said...

i definitely have unevenness and you're making me want to try the perricone cream!

good luck with the sky dive!

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