At first I thought my leg was being pulled. My dear friend, Courtney (seen above), whom lives in D.C. and whom I lived in D.C. with for months, decided that because her little stick-self loves running marathons and shit for FUN, that she would sign up some of her friends to run in The Army 10-Miler in October.....Guess who one of those "friends" is?
THIS girl.
Yes. On Sunday, October 24th I will be stomping the streets of D.C. with my size 10 sneakers. *sigh*
In a way I wish this was an April Fools joke.
I'm scared shitless.
I used to run- the last time I ran? About a YEAR ago. And even then, I could only run 1 mile without stopping. I have NEVER ran more than 3 miles in one workout setting.
I think I may kill Courtney.......................
I think I may kill Courtney.......................
But, if you wanna know something so odd- I'll tell ya. I'm a teeny bit excited about this.
I love a challenge when it comes to physical fitness. I was always the fat-kid in gym class who walked the mile, and NEVER made it under 15 minutes. I've always been super jealous of people who can run long distances. So, now's my chance to prove to myself I can do it.
The Army 10-Miler is a HUGE deal and such a wonderful race! I work for The Army, so naturally I'm all about supporting them.
I'll be running on The Fisher House Team, which you can read more about here. This is the same organization Courtney ran for last year, to help raise money for. Taken directly from their website:
"The Fisher House™ program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's military in their time of need. The program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House™ Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury."
If any of you would like to donate and support The Fisher House (and ME as I run 10 miles!!), please do so via the link I provided :-) I would appreciate it and I know my fellow team members would!
I'm so excited to get to go back to DC! As much as I was ready to get back to Alabama and NOT live out of a suitcase (you all may need to go back to 2009 and read my posts to know what I'm talking about)- I LOVED that place and the friends I made. It's definitely going to be a HUGE reunion.
Anyone in the DC area??? I know there are some of you out there who read my blog, so let's meet up!??
Also, I am in major desperate need of running long-distance tips and training for such things. I don't know how to begin- I think I know....but I have no idea (This is the Diary of Jenny. BAHA! Get it? Please.). So if you're a runner, please comment and pass along advice.
Thank you my lovely readers! Have a wonderful day!
I love a challenge when it comes to physical fitness. I was always the fat-kid in gym class who walked the mile, and NEVER made it under 15 minutes. I've always been super jealous of people who can run long distances. So, now's my chance to prove to myself I can do it.
The Army 10-Miler is a HUGE deal and such a wonderful race! I work for The Army, so naturally I'm all about supporting them.
I'll be running on The Fisher House Team, which you can read more about here. This is the same organization Courtney ran for last year, to help raise money for. Taken directly from their website:
"The Fisher House™ program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's military in their time of need. The program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House™ Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury."
If any of you would like to donate and support The Fisher House (and ME as I run 10 miles!!), please do so via the link I provided :-) I would appreciate it and I know my fellow team members would!
I'm so excited to get to go back to DC! As much as I was ready to get back to Alabama and NOT live out of a suitcase (you all may need to go back to 2009 and read my posts to know what I'm talking about)- I LOVED that place and the friends I made. It's definitely going to be a HUGE reunion.
Anyone in the DC area??? I know there are some of you out there who read my blog, so let's meet up!??
Also, I am in major desperate need of running long-distance tips and training for such things. I don't know how to begin- I think I know....but I have no idea (This is the Diary of Jenny. BAHA! Get it? Please.). So if you're a runner, please comment and pass along advice.
Thank you my lovely readers! Have a wonderful day!
Sometimes it helps to be PUSHED into something for your own good but that you would never initiate on your own. Good luck with all the training. You will surely get fit and for a good cause too!!
Good for you! That's so awesome :-) I know you'll be able to run by the time October comes around. I'm not a long distance runner so sadly, I have no tips for you lol. Good luck with your training though! And since it's for the Army and you work for them, it's even better you're doing this :-)
I'm thinking about signing up as well - three of my friends have, but I have some things going on around then I need to figure out first.
Either way, would LOVE to meet up if you have time!!
That's fantastic! You have plenty of time to train, so don't be worried about it :)
I'm close to the DC area, but will be moving in the next couple of months. I would love to meet up if I were still going to be around.
Start with the Couch to 5k program and then you can build onto that. Hal Higdon has some great training programs as well! I may have to look into the Army 10 miler myself... My fiance and I need some motivation to get back into gear!
We're near DC! You're going to do great!
I did the broad st. in philly last year (not doing it this year bc I'm a lazy butt) and I don't know where your at with the running- but I was running about 6 for my long run when I started training- and- what I did was add a half mile to each of my long runs every other week till I was up to 11, that way i felt comfortable doing 10 in the race setting. good luck! you'll be so proud of yourself when its done :)
AWESOME!!!! Good for you!!! :)
You can do it! I would try one of those couch to 5K programs.
That is so awesome! I have 100% faith that you can do it!
Good luck!!! that's awesome and I know you can do it!!!
I am running it! It's going to be awesome - assuming I can drag my fat ass across the finish line.
Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you??!!!!
I am so excited for you!!!!!
I live 15 minutes from DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are you going to be here??!!!!! Let me know!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, just scrolled down to this post. That's cool that you work for the Army! And that's fun that your friend signed you up. You're lucky to get a registration, it fills up fast! (If I run the Army 10 Miler this year, I'll be buying a bib on Craig's list.)
My personal favorite running expert is Hal Higdon. Anything that man writes is at least relevant if not really informative+helpful.