Sooo- I know many of you do indeed watch The Bachelor right along with me, in your own home's, on Monday nights- I watch it because I'm just nosey. I could care less what happens to them in the end- if they stay together, break up, whatever- but I enjoy seeing other beautiful, successful women (some of them) who are still single and my age- it gives me hope! ;-) bahahaha!
I have my initial faves picked out, and they are:
Ali- Just seems so down-to-earth and NORMAL. I'd hang out with her- you know go grab some wine, workout. She's my kinda chick. She better not turn out to be a freak.

Teneley- sweet as pie. Almost too sweet? Will she start to get on my nerves? Hmm...

Kathryne- She really made a good impression on me- Beautiful, funny and sweet!

The trend of the show this season- I noticed right away seemed to be.... *HELLO* FAKE BOOBS galore. My good gracious. Having been naturally blessed with big boobs, I guess I just don't dig the fake-melon-blown-up chest look (no offense to anyone who has or wants bigger ones. Just my opinion. Stay natural, ladies!). Other than that- some gorgeous ladies this year! I always get hooked....Who are YOUR faves ladies??
After yesterday's grumpy-ass post- I sucked it up and set foot in the gym for the second day straight- whew. It was tough, but you know what? I feel superb already- my, my what a day makes. I didn't feel intimidated- I saw normal looking women like myself today and I did 45 minutes on the elliptical. Now, let me assure you- 45 minutes for me, isn't long at ALL. I like to do cardio for an hour and then weights for about 30- but I have to be I wouldn't wanna pass the hell out. So A+ for workouts today! I'm about to take my butt to the kitchen and prepare meals for tomorrow and Thursday. My plan is to put a Chicken Salsa recipe in the crockpot for dinner tomorrow night- it looks amazing!
Nutritional Info
Fat: 3.3g
Carbohydrates: 6.7g
Calories: 157.2
Protein: 24.3g
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 cup salsa
1 package reduced sodium taco seasoning
1 can reduced fat cream of mushroom soup (condensed)
1/2 cup reduced fat sour cream
Add chicken to slow cooker.
Sprinkle half package of taco seasoning over chicken.
Pour salsa and soup over chicken.
Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.
Remove from heat and stir in sour cream.
Serve with rice.
I've rambled for too long. I do want to thank all of you who are supporting me- When I was working out today I almost stopped at 30 minutes, then again at 40- but I pushed on. I was going to finish my goal for the day- I thought of how my bosy used to look, and how I used to feel and all of you- who have been there with me for so long. Thank you, thank you. I truly appreciate it and am so glad I have a whole group of friends who don't judge me, and only encourage me. BIG KISSES AND HUGS!
I leave youw ith this photo. I realllyyyy wish I knew how to get a dress that looked like this! Girly, a little bitta glitz, and GORGEOUS. *sigh*.

Fat: 3.3g
Carbohydrates: 6.7g
Calories: 157.2
Protein: 24.3g
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 cup salsa
1 package reduced sodium taco seasoning
1 can reduced fat cream of mushroom soup (condensed)
1/2 cup reduced fat sour cream
Add chicken to slow cooker.
Sprinkle half package of taco seasoning over chicken.
Pour salsa and soup over chicken.
Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.
Remove from heat and stir in sour cream.
Serve with rice.
I've rambled for too long. I do want to thank all of you who are supporting me- When I was working out today I almost stopped at 30 minutes, then again at 40- but I pushed on. I was going to finish my goal for the day- I thought of how my bosy used to look, and how I used to feel and all of you- who have been there with me for so long. Thank you, thank you. I truly appreciate it and am so glad I have a whole group of friends who don't judge me, and only encourage me. BIG KISSES AND HUGS!
I leave youw ith this photo. I realllyyyy wish I knew how to get a dress that looked like this! Girly, a little bitta glitz, and GORGEOUS. *sigh*.

Nice workout, lady!! Sorry anthro left you empty-handed but nice job on the workout. I love your bachelor thoughts!! I'm not watching - I don't know when I stopped but i'm so missing it now that I see your commentary and didn't see it! haha
Let me know how the recipe turns out!!!
That recipe looks awesome, I am always looking for new slow cooker recipes.
Those were my three fave girls as well! I think Teneley won me over because she danced as disney princesses and Kathryne because she wore that ridiculous fushia sequin dress to meet him. I need that dress!
That girly dress is beautiful!!! Love it.
Thanks for the recipe, I can't wait to try it!
I am not letting myself get hooked on the Bachelor...I get too let down @ the end. Ha!
Have a great day!!
I am so addicted to this show... I agree with you on most of your girls up there!
the recipe sounds great and is the kick in the pants I needed to get a slow cooker and cook a meal (I am making myself learn to cook 1 new meal a month this year)
I think I'm going to make this recipe next week!!
And that dress- it tooke my breath!!! WOW!
Hey! I just started following your blog :) Your little chihuahua is so cute.
And that dress.. to die for!
Feel free to follow me too :)