So, this weekend I headed to Birmingham (Alabama that is), about 3 hour drive from where I live, to see my friends Marion, Joy and Joy's hubby Adam. What a great time. I'm so glad I reconnected with Joy- we never really spoke after high school, just because we went to different places. I LOVE her. She's so funny and we have similar tastes and personalities. Here we are :-)
Daceline/Colorguard in High School- 2001 (What's up with that big ass vein in my forehead? baha!!)

Back in 2007

Back in 2007
Thats so cute to see you and your friend throughout the years!
Glad you had a good weekend! Very cute pics :-)
Cute pictures!
Such pretty girls! So glad you had a great weekend! Hope your week is going well!
Very cute pics! girl, I am right there with you on the workouts!
We got snow here in SC too! Very exciting for us Southerners!
I am still wanting to try the two-a-days. All of a sudden out of nowhere I have some extra on my thighs! And I hate it! Weirdly, my I'm pretty happy with my stomach and upper body at the moment.
How sweet!! :-) Glad you had a nice weekend! :-)
Hang in there with the diet! We all have bad days here and the flashback photos :)