Why is it so hard at times for us to think positively- and easier to dwell on things that aren't right in our lives? I do it. I admit that. Sometimes I think too much about what-ifs and past situations- situations I need to forget and move past. The "what-ifs" in life really bother me- and they drag me down. Should I make a resolution for the new year to consciously make the effort to push these thoughts out of my mind? I've never been one to make new year resolutions- simply because I've always thought you should strive to make changes whenever you want- not only at the start of a new year. I don't know what 2010 (weird sounding, isn't it?) will bring me- but I hope and pray that it's only good things- and that with the bad (there will inevitably always be some bad in your life), I can get back up, dust myself off and know I'm worth more than what I think I am. That's what I want for myself in the new year...
No new year's plans this year- conjuring up ideas for next year, though. I think skiing in Colorado would be awesome! Seeing as how I've NEVER set foot on a pair of skis, or snow thicker than a half inch for that matter, it'd be hilarious I'm sure. Anyone heard of Beaver Creek in CO? What about any other ideal places a big group could go?
Beaver Creek, CO Resort

Have you guys seen the movie "Julie and Julia"? I just watched it On Demand today- and loved it. I thought it was uplifting and inspiring. Definitely better than I thought it'd be. I'd recommend it.
I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends this past week- I have another (almost. I work Tuesday) full week off before heading back to work, and will surely find ways to spend my days. Even if it's sitting on the couch relaxing with Brady in lap, and enjoying every single minute of it!
Did you get any favorite gifts this year?? Do tell! :-)
Beaver Creek is an awesome ski resort! I haven't been in about two years, but its one of my favorites! :)
Beaver Creek is pretty cool, but Breckenridge beats it, because there is so much to do around it, plus OUTLET mall.. :)